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公司名称: 湖北骏科工贸有限公司

主营产品: 驾驶室总成车架总成  发动机总成车桥总成  东风雷诺发动机配件  东风汽车配件驾驶室  东风康明斯发动机配件  东风天龙配件4251  东风大力神配件车架  东风多利卡配件 

企业成立: 1969-10-22 员工规模: 1

联系qq:   联系销售     联系采购

十堰东风汽车配件销售中心位于东风商用车生产基地,车城十堰,是湖北省经营东风*,大力神,天锦,超龙客车系列商用车全车配件及康明斯B、C、N、L、ISBe、ISDe、ISLe、雷诺系列发动机和配件的*。东风公司合作伙伴。公司产品全,产品包括驾驶室,车身系统,传动系统,制动系统,发动机系统配件。 随着中国加入世以来,东风卡车外销的需求量越来越大,远销*各地。伴随着东风商用车出口量的增加,东风商用车配件的需求也越来越大。我公司产品也先后出口到越南,伊朗,俄罗斯等国。我公司始终坚持全方位的销售网络建设,以及时优质提供客户需求满意和*市场竞争力的产品为宗旨,以诚信务实为根本的营销思路,已发展成为品牌化、仓储化、网络化的汽配专业销售公司,东风*配件,东风大力神配件,东风卡车产品市场遍及中东,俄罗斯,南非等地,深受客户信赖。 公司秉承“顾客至上,锐意进取”的经营理念,坚持“客户*”的原则,“诚信服务”的宗旨为广大客户提供优质的服务。我们竭诚欢迎新老客户长期合作,携手并肩共创美好未来!电话:0719-8312332 Shiyan Dongfeng Auto Parts Sales Center is located in Dongfeng commercial vehicle production base, car Shiyan City, Hubei Province Dongfeng business Denon, Hercules, Tianjin, ultra-long range commercial passenger vehicle accessories and all Cummins B, C, N, L, ISBe, ISDe, ISLe, Renault series engines and accessories of le*g enterprises. Dongfengs partner. Our products all products, including the cab, body systems, transmission, brake system, engine system accessories. With Chinas accession to the World since Dongfeng trucks, increasing demand for export, exported around the world. With Dongfeng commercial vehicle exports increased, Dongfeng commercial vehicle parts is also growing demand. Our products have exported to Vietnam, Iran, Russia and other cou*ies. I always insist on a full range of company sales network construction, and when the customer needs satisfaction and providing high-quality highly competitive products for the pur*e, integrity and pragmatic as the fundamental idea of ma


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